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#1 free


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Posted 21 February 2005 - 07:06 PM


The last couple of days I've been working on my online portfolio in order to present my recent works. It is not completely finished since the photography section is not complete yet.

I've kept everything simple, minimal and user friendly, since my works is what is important for me to show, not the website itself.

It would be nice if I can get some advice how to organize the website so I could place more than 70 logos and 50 print works that are waitng for their place in the portfolio at the same time keeping the website simple as it is now.

#2 QuirkDesign


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 01:46 AM

Hi - I like the simplicity of your website. One idea to get all of your work displayed can be found on this website. It maintains a clean look while managing to display a lot of stuff. My own website needs a major overhaul. You have some nice logos, by the way. :)

#3 Neupix


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 02:31 AM

It looks really great, and might I add the simple/minimalistic approach works really well (see my portfolio ;))

I was a bit disappointed after entering your site. I found the orange background on the splash page really intriguing and interesting (it is a great colour choice!) and I went from that to a plain white page with brownish text. I really think you should try and incorporate that orange look somehow.
Neupix Media | Nip Napp! < iPhone App Reviews and News | Citrik Acid

#4 Blake


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 04:22 AM

I like simple, I like it. Although I agree someway with penguinpedia, splash and home are too contrasting. i like both of them, but I believe there should be more things in common.

It would be nice if I can get some advice how to organize the website so I could place more than 70 logos and 50 print works that are waitng for their place in the portfolio at the same time keeping the website simple as it is now.

You could make a small rectangle below the "country > bulgaria", maybe with a nice brownish stroke showing a small thumb (maybe with a little white space between border and thumb, that's what i imagine :p) of logos/prints when you mouse over a logo/print link, and when you click on the link, a pop up with the full sized design appears.

I hope that was clear.

#5 free


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Posted 24 February 2005 - 07:58 PM

@ QuirkDesign - Thanks for your comment and the link. As you can see I have used a similar idea when creating the photography section, but applying the numbers (insted of the names) to the whole site I am afraid it may look a bit boring.

@ penguinpedia - Thanks for commenting. I think you are right about the connection between the splash and the site itself, even though I would have called the colour light brown instead of orange. I thought that using the same colour as the splash screen will make the site look havier and less minimalistic. I will think about some changes ;-)

@ Blake - Thanks for your advice but I'm not sure I get your point. Did you mean using thumbs insted of text for identifying the different links in the print/logo section?

#6 Blake


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Posted 25 February 2005 - 12:37 AM

@ Blake - Thanks for your advice but I'm not sure I get your point. Did you mean using thumbs insted of text for identifying the different links in the print/logo section?

Hmmm... no. What do you mean when you say that you need some advice how to organize the website so you can place more than 70 logos and 50 print works?
That you need to add more logo/print links but you don't know how?

Are the actual logo/print links working? Because when I click one of them nothing happes.

Depending in what you answer I may or be no able to explain what my idea was, maybe I misunderstood you.

#7 Caedes


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Posted 26 February 2005 - 01:19 AM

i can only see the first page, all the links doesn't work !?
i'm on explorer 6....weird

#8 Dumb Genius

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Posted 27 February 2005 - 07:54 PM

too simple for me, the use of flash for this kind of thing is totally useless, not using text is a major mistake. still it looks ok but inefficient at all... 5/10

#9 shawngearhart


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Posted 28 February 2005 - 04:41 AM

Love your logos! GREAT JOB! :)

#10 IntuitDesign


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Posted 02 March 2005 - 04:03 AM

Hello free! —
First of all, awesome logos!!!!
That's some fine work there! I'm very impressed. My favorite is the Autism logo. Interesting.
Your Digitechnics and Interior logos weren't working. The boxes popped, but nothing in them.
How to organize the site. Gotta have a big ol' critique and shave them down in number. Even the guys at Pentagram bring it down to 10-15 at the most for each category. Sometimes you can break them down to groups within each category. Then choose the several best from each group. Look at them all together if you can. Stand across the room, look up close, involve other people. If all your other work is as good as the logos, yes, that would be a tough time deciding! As for ways of exhibiting the work, I would use Flash and have a gallery of small thumbnails. When you mouse over each, the info comes up as well as the larger pic. Hope this helps!

Keep up the great work!

Don't look outside of yourself for the truth, for the truth is in you.

#11 Dumb Genius

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Posted 02 March 2005 - 04:00 PM

I thought the site had no content at all. lol It's not even working properly in firefox...
I looked with IE, I like the logos a lot but you still have a lot of work for the site itself.

#12 free


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Posted 02 March 2005 - 11:45 PM

too simple for me, the use of flash for this kind of thing is totally useless, not using text is a major mistake. still it looks ok but inefficient at all... 5/10

As you have probably seen from my portfolio, I am not a web designer and the html code is a mistery to me.

#13 free


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Posted 02 March 2005 - 11:56 PM

@everyone having problems to view the website
Sorry, guys I don't know why some of you experienced problem viewing the website. It is done in FlashMX (probably some of you doesn't have the player installed), I use Firefox as a default browser and just can't see any problems at all, I tried IE ant it is still ok.

@shawngearhart and IntuitDesign
Thanks for the comments. I am glad you liked my works. IntuitDesign, the two links you mentioned really does not work and I'll fix them tomorrow. Thanks for the advice about organizing the site.

#14 Blake


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Posted 03 March 2005 - 07:22 AM

I thought the site had no content at all. lol It's not even working properly in firefox...
I looked with IE, I like the logos a lot but you still have a lot of work for the site itself.

The same happened to me with IE, I have flash player and have allowed pop-ups. There must be a problem with the pop-up script, because I can see your designs with Opera.

I liked some logos a lot!

#15 Dumb Genius

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Posted 07 March 2005 - 04:36 PM

As you have probably seen from my portfolio, I am not a web designer and the html code is a mistery to me.

I hope you'll learn because you could do great things man. :D

#16 Frontend


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Posted 24 March 2005 - 01:43 AM

I think this website looks great... although I really hate popups. You should try avoiding popups since many people have popup blockers and its usually a no-no (that's why im redesigning my page as well). in any case, the style is great!

#17 SenterBrands


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Posted 05 May 2005 - 05:15 PM

i con not get the links to work in the site on logo design

#18 Argonavis


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Posted 22 May 2005 - 05:11 AM

Simple yet nice. Always loved the * Although I think this has been used many times. Love the colors too.

#19 patrick-w3b


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Posted 22 May 2005 - 08:17 PM

Nice color combination, and nice approach with the logos, simple but nice.

#20 oscard


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Posted 22 May 2005 - 08:32 PM

your page is in reconstruction, because I can see only a background

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