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#1 Neupix


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Posted 06 March 2005 - 09:41 PM

A couple months and five different website layouts later, I have successfully completed the website for my new design company. Unlike other website entities of mine, I am actually going ahead full force with this. Advertising will be created and payed for, the business will soon be registered with the government, and I will be getting business cards and letterheads printed as soon as I can come up with an appropriate logo.

Check it out at: http://www.neupix.com/ and let me know what you think.

I will also be offering portfolio hosting services to DC.net members (for a VERY small price) in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for details.
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#2 Imagenesis


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 02:07 AM

It's a nice site, however I (from an outsiders point of view, I know it's not your style) prefer this kind of site for a web design company:


Btw, I personnaly think these guy's are graphical geniuses :D


#3 Neupix


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 02:21 AM

aE-COma said

It's a nice site, however I (from an outsiders point of view, I know it's not your style) prefer this kind of site for a web design company:


Btw, I personnaly think these guy's are graphical geniuses :D

I completely agree with you - they do have a great website, and it suits their style and client base perfectly.

Anyways, thanks for the feedback, and as you mentioned my site reflects upon my style. I think that's the most important thing to get across in anything a designer does for themselves.
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#4 sangit


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 09:52 AM

YEA DUDE, ae-coma is absolutely right.
from my point of view
the site looks clean but dull.
it is too simple.
:D :cool: :mad: ;) eight8

#5 Neupix


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 03:21 PM

While the site may seem "dull" to a couple of 16 year olds - you are not my target audience. Gradients and big images don't always have to be used to make an impactful website.

Anyways, my style of simplicity appeals to older generations who want something clean and airy to look at. I know this, because I just had a request to create something similar to this new website, and have had other requests like this in the past.

It is also fair to point out that I am currently operating as one man, and I only have so many talents and skillsets. I still can't see why something so vibrant can be called dull, but you are entitled to your opinion.
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#6 Imagenesis


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 05:08 PM

Yes I agree with john, it's just a diffirent style...The use of contrasting colors is very nice and creates a very relaxing mood...I think you should add more peices to the portfolio...Besides people who like John's styel wouldn't come to a 1337 h4x0r website, they would come to him...Although in your eyes he may not be attracting the majority of the market with that design, you can be wrong :D

BTW, sorry about posting about fantasy-interactive, I had seen the link that day I was very impressed with there work (I still am) Check out the roadrunner portal it's simply amazing :D


#7 Neupix


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 06:40 PM

sorry if my comment about the 16 year olds sounded rude, I didn't mean it to be.

There is no reason to feel bad about posting that link. It is great to compare sites and styles, and to get inspiration from something. Some of my favourite sites include http://www.criticalmass.com - where I got alot of inspiration from.
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#8 Neupix


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Posted 10 March 2005 - 06:43 PM

More portfolio work will also be added soon enough, and actual website case studies will be added soon (much in the same way fantasy interactive outlines their client material).

The side bar will also include some more pictures and images, which might liven things up a bit.
Neupix Media | Nip Napp! < iPhone App Reviews and News | Citrik Acid

#9 zoned019


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Posted 11 March 2005 - 05:30 AM

you're on the right track with simplicity definitely...
however, there is such a thing as "too simple" and I think you may have hit that mark. I would suggest livening it up at least a little.

#10 Neupix


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Posted 11 March 2005 - 06:32 AM

zoned019 said

you're on the right track with simplicity definitely...
however, there is such a thing as "too simple" and I think you may have hit that mark. I would suggest livening it up at least a little.

There is never anything that is "too simple" - even a pure white page with only one line of helvetica type can be an extremely well thought out design. You suggest I liven up the site, but give no suggestions as how to do it.

Anyways, I hope I don't sound defensive - I think this is sparking an interesting design debate amongst us that requires further discussion :D
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#11 aceedesign


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Posted 11 March 2005 - 11:44 PM

I take an opposing side on this one... Although there is such a thing as too simple, I don't think this is. It has excellent (very contemporary ) colour combinations as well as a strong presence of a grid. both of which are a great starting point. On top of this it has great typography and a good use of negative space. As the point of this site is largely to showcase your portfolio, theres no reason why he/she should have to JAZZ it up and add all kinds of crazy crap and photoshop effects... I think you have the right idea and I encourage you to keep it simple just like you have.

Just look at sites like http://www.pentagram.com/ (also happens to be one of the largest and most renound Graphic Design firms in the world). Although they are certainly pushing the envelope of simplicity, it definetly showcases what direction our industry is taking.

#12 X3Design


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Posted 13 March 2005 - 10:09 PM

LOVE THE TITLE! Its Neu! haha. You have a definate corp. identity going. A really comfortable feel. The only thing I kinda of want and maybe thats because I am listening to it, it some light Jazz playing in the background. The other thing I noticed is that you portfolio items are all really similiar, and lacking diversity. But sweet work!


#13 Neupix


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 02:08 AM

Hey Everyone!

I updated the site with a "fresh" new header, a new logo and a gradient filled background. I would love to hear some new opinions of the updated version.
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#14 zoned019


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 02:12 AM

i like it.
it's simplistic with a touch of that techy look--just my style i guess. nice job.

#15 Push72-Designer


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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:33 PM

Hey Penguinpedia,

I think your site is awsome. Its the perfect flavor for simplicity and useability. Now and days, people dont want to fall into a pit hole of flash and fancy graphics. They want information, examples and prices NOW!! I think your site does this very well. Some may say simple is not the way. Well take a look at 37signals.com (A well respected Design Company world wide!, I also have 3 of thier books ;) ) Anyway, thats just my opinion, keep it up, cant waite till shes all finished and tweaked up.

- Cheers

#16 AnbuKid


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Posted 04 April 2005 - 12:25 AM

beatiful, so simple, yet effective. nice logo and choice of colors, gj gj

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