Haha.. Got ya.. Betamax dude.. hahaha
I've been searching all morning for a camera logo from the 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 (cameras starts to be more popular), 1940, 1950,1960, 1970.. seen "bolsey cameras, bolex cameras, sterling, minolta, kodak, kanon, efekta, rossi, contax, polaroid, miranda etc... but i got notin'!
on the other hand, i wanted really to type betamax when i saw your second revamped logo but you said not the 70s something.. whatever.. so i thought, "wait, b... b... betamax? no, i think betamax came in the 80s" then i saw Pentax as answer of tigerDESIGN, then you said its close so i did what i just did, searched for cmera brands accross ages...haha... then opened a tab.. tred betamax, boom... palm face... haha