Good day all, registered yesterday.
Am from the Netherlands. While surfing the web I got on here, interesting contests. Good to develop skills.
Plus, I got bored with my old community. Was in there since the start, now 3 years later, it's the biggest national community. Can't hold track of who are in it anymore
Am a student Graphic Design. 2nd year, first actually, but had experience enough to get in 2nd right away.
Been busy with designing since I was... like 15 orso I guess.
Saw a Flash Movie, thought "I wanna be able to do that".
Not sure if I am able too now but I'm much more closer then I was back then. Still learning ofcourse.
Speak with ya all I hope,
Ha, my introduction
Good day all, registered yesterday.
Am from the Netherlands. While surfing the web I got on here, interesting...
Posted 30 March 2005 - 08:10 PM
We'll be seeing each other around.
This community is exactly what I want.
Clean, can keep track of things happening. Not too big. You can actually be a member instead of just a number
Studying in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Close to Amsterdam. Name of the school is Graphic Lyceum. Got school of that in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht (mine) and Eindhoven. After this Im thinking of a bachelor in graphic design on school of arts. Otherwise, specialising while working with courses.
This community is exactly what I want.
Clean, can keep track of things happening. Not too big. You can actually be a member instead of just a number
Studying in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Close to Amsterdam. Name of the school is Graphic Lyceum. Got school of that in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht (mine) and Eindhoven. After this Im thinking of a bachelor in graphic design on school of arts. Otherwise, specialising while working with courses.
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