The site is nice. "clean", without uselss elements that distract the viewer.
In the portfolio i wuold like arrows AND nubers of pages to navigate the 5-6 pages. it is easier clicking on an arrow instead of pointing the little number.
Looking on the graphic of the site, ok, it is easy and clean. maybe to easy? don´t missundestand please, i like minimal art ... i could live in a white room without nothing than my espresso machine
the thing i ask often looking portfolio sites is: we make graphics, we promote ourself saying that we are graphic artists. shouldn´t we promote with all our works? in my eyes a portfolio site should have an hi graphic impact even if it is empty. Yuor works are great, but they are not supportet by an hi impact "packaging".
another thing is that the yuor site is anonimous. only the email address. I don´t know if i wuold contac a person that should work for me if i don´t know even his name. It is a general thing. Many sites are made so. in my eyes it is a way to stay anonimous publishing on the World Wide Web.
think about it.