My website, t3rm3nt0rDesigns needs a decent review, so do all of my other web designs.
If you have time then click on About and check out the part that has my web designs on it and review them =)
Thanks in advanced, t3rm.
My Website =)
My website, t3rm3nt0rDesigns needs a decent review, so do all of my other web designs.www.t3rm3nt0rDesigns.tkIf...
Posted 02 May 2005 - 06:30 PM
link doesn't work
Jenn Lindsey - Freelance Graphic Designer
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong" - Joseph Chilton Pearce
My website:
Please review the new rules for here
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong" - Joseph Chilton Pearce
My website:
Please review the new rules for here
Posted 22 May 2005 - 05:40 AM
To be honest, nothing here appeals to me. What's the use of horizontal below the header? Don't like the fonts. Add a padding in the left menu. You can use CSS to style your site. My advice is look for inspiration but never rip. Look for tutorials but don't stick with them, Experiment.
Posted 22 May 2005 - 09:43 PM
"" What kind of domain is that, really? How on earth do you expect anyone in their right mind to remember that?!?!?!?
Anyway, aside from the domain, as for the actual site, nothing really grabs me. It all looks very basic and, dare I say it, "amateury".
I'm not keen on the text, Times New Roman should not be used on a website - its designed for print work, not web. Use Verdana, Arial or Tahoma instead.
Sorry if I am being harsh, but I'm really just not keen on the site at all
Anyway, aside from the domain, as for the actual site, nothing really grabs me. It all looks very basic and, dare I say it, "amateury".
I'm not keen on the text, Times New Roman should not be used on a website - its designed for print work, not web. Use Verdana, Arial or Tahoma instead.
Sorry if I am being harsh, but I'm really just not keen on the site at all

Posted 22 May 2005 - 09:56 PM
ok lets do these in order ::::
1. The domain as mentioned above - lose it. .tk domains scream unproffesional...infact the only thing that screams 12yr old wannabe more than a .tk domain is l337 speak ¬_¬
2. Your site does not appear busy enough to support forums. Empty forums just make the site look dead - there is already 1,000,000,000 forums out there. What need is there for yours?
3. POTW? come on - any link you have to explain the meaning of after a user clicks it shouldn't be there. Who is going to click it unless they know what it means?
4. The about section - nice touch promoting yourself as a designer and then having a page showing all your designs which rip off other peoples work (unless you got permission to use the picture of the Hitman etc) Copyright theft is the #1 sin among designers I advise getting rid of those asap
5. What exactly is the difference between the requests and contact pages? Do you really need both?
Ok and finally the over-all look and feel of the site. I take it you did the metal effect tut for photoshop. It seems to be the dominant theme throughout your website(s) and sigs.....maybe try to broaden your skill set - learn new techniques? At the moment it is just a rehash of the same stuff over and over - it looks very un-proffesional and does not give me confidence in your abilities.
Ooops this is def the last thing - why oh why are you using frames? Did I accidently travel back in time to 1998? (or earlier) did your mum not teach you about the problems associated with using frames? One quick tip about engines will hate you for them
Aaron Bassett
1. The domain as mentioned above - lose it. .tk domains scream unproffesional...infact the only thing that screams 12yr old wannabe more than a .tk domain is l337 speak ¬_¬
2. Your site does not appear busy enough to support forums. Empty forums just make the site look dead - there is already 1,000,000,000 forums out there. What need is there for yours?
3. POTW? come on - any link you have to explain the meaning of after a user clicks it shouldn't be there. Who is going to click it unless they know what it means?
4. The about section - nice touch promoting yourself as a designer and then having a page showing all your designs which rip off other peoples work (unless you got permission to use the picture of the Hitman etc) Copyright theft is the #1 sin among designers I advise getting rid of those asap
5. What exactly is the difference between the requests and contact pages? Do you really need both?
Ok and finally the over-all look and feel of the site. I take it you did the metal effect tut for photoshop. It seems to be the dominant theme throughout your website(s) and sigs.....maybe try to broaden your skill set - learn new techniques? At the moment it is just a rehash of the same stuff over and over - it looks very un-proffesional and does not give me confidence in your abilities.
Ooops this is def the last thing - why oh why are you using frames? Did I accidently travel back in time to 1998? (or earlier) did your mum not teach you about the problems associated with using frames? One quick tip about engines will hate you for them

Aaron Bassett
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