best stupid joke of the year!
Two cows are playing Poker in a tree.
Then an egg walks by...
One of the cows says: "Hi there!...
Posted 12 June 2005 - 08:21 PM
Two cows are playing Poker in a tree.
Then an egg walks by...
One of the cows says: "Hi there! Do you want to play Poker with us?"
The egg replies: "Hi... no sorry, no time... got to go to the barber's!"
Then an egg walks by...
One of the cows says: "Hi there! Do you want to play Poker with us?"
The egg replies: "Hi... no sorry, no time... got to go to the barber's!"
Posted 14 June 2005 - 03:55 PM
Ha ha
Two bulls are on top of the hill grazing... the young bull says to the older wiser one: "He... look at those cows down there in the valley!!! Lets run down there and f*ck one!"
The older cow replies: "No, lets walk down there and f*ck them all!"
Two bulls are on top of the hill grazing... the young bull says to the older wiser one: "He... look at those cows down there in the valley!!! Lets run down there and f*ck one!"
The older cow replies: "No, lets walk down there and f*ck them all!"
Posted 27 June 2005 - 03:43 AM
I went for a walk late last night before going to bed. As I walked past the local cemetary, I heard a loud "thump...thump...thump". I stopped to listen and figure out what it was, but it stopped as well, so I began walking again. Then it started again "thump...thump...thump". I turned around and looked behind me and there was a coffin following me! I thought, "Man, that's freaky!" I started walking a little faster and the coffin sped up as well. Then I started running, thinking "What in the world is happening?!?", but the coffin continued to chase me! As I was running, I slipped on a patch of ice and fell to the ground. The coffin lunged itself toward me, but I managed to roll out of the way just in time! I got up and continued to run as the coffin chased me down my street Ave all the way to my home. I ran in the house and locked the door. "Whew," I thought to myself, "That was close!" Then all of a sudden "CRASH!", the coffin busted through the door! "AAAHHH!" Quickly, I ran to the bathroom and locked that door. Sure enough "CRASH!", the coffin destroyed that door as well! At this point I was curled up in the corner in the fetal position. I thought, "I've gotta do something!", so I began reaching around trying to find something...ANYTHING that may help me! Finally, I found something, but what was it? Cough drops. That's right, cough drops. What was I supposed to do with cough drops?!? I thought, "Oh well, it's worth a try!" So I threw the cough drops at it and the coffin stopped.
Posted 27 June 2005 - 11:30 AM
Speaking of bears...
A bear and a rabbit are shitting in de woods next to each other. Then the bear looks next to him and asks the rabbit: "When you shit... does it also stick to your fur?" The rabbit answers: "No... I haven't got that problem." So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his arse.
A bear and a rabbit are shitting in de woods next to each other. Then the bear looks next to him and asks the rabbit: "When you shit... does it also stick to your fur?" The rabbit answers: "No... I haven't got that problem." So the bear picks up the rabbit and wipes his arse.
Posted 13 August 2005 - 08:46 PM
A string walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender looks him up and down and says in a slow drawl, "I ain't servin' no string in my bar." The string, realizing the bartender is a low-down good for nothing prejudiced son of a whiskey drinker gets up and goes outside. He ruffles his hair and make him self look as scruffy as possible, then goes back into the bar. The bartender asks, "Are you that string that was just in here?" To which the string replies, "Nope. I'm a frayed knot."
Jon Engle
Disturb Reality Studio
Disturb Reality Studio
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