1.Log in to the backend of your Joomla
2.Go to the Module Manager and select create new module Keep your module ‘Unpublished’ for now.
3.Go to User Manager and click on No Editor for your currently logged in with.
4.Copy the below code and past it in the body area of the blank HTML module that you have just created.
<script type=â€Âtext/javascript†src=â€Âhttp://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_USâ€Â></script><script type=â€Âtext/javascriptâ€Â>FB.init(“1690883eb733618b294e98cb1dfba95aâ€Â);</script><fb:fan profile_id=â€Â2345678922″ stream=â€Â1″ connections=â€Â11″ logobar=â€Â1″ width=â€Â220″ height=â€Â300″ css=â€Âhttp://www.webpartnersworldwide.com/templates/ja_rasite/css/template.css?9″></fb:fan>
There are some parameters in the above code. You can change those parameters to your likings. These are the parameters that you can change:
•profile_id –profile id of your fan page or profile. You can get this by going to the url of your facebook page or profile.
•Stream - Either “0″ or “1″. “0″ means your stream activity from that specific profile will not show. “1″ means they show.
•connections – enter the number of connections you want to show from your profile on your Joomla website.
•logobar - “0″ if you don’t want to display the logo bar or “1″ if you want to show your logo.
•width / height – This is to specify the width and height of the Facebook stream on your website and its in pixels.
•css=â€Â" – here you can include a link to any custom CSS file on your server so you can customize the look of your stream.
There are some parameters in the above code. You can change those parameters to your likings. These are the parameters that you can change:
•profile_id –profile id of your fan page or profile. You can get this by going to the url of your facebook page or profile.
•Stream - Either “0″ or “1″. “0″ means your stream activity from that specific profile will not show. “1″ means they show.
•connections – enter the number of connections you want to show from your profile on your Joomla website.
•logobar - “0″ if you don’t want to display the logo bar or “1″ if you want to show your logo.
•width / height – This is to specify the width and height of the Facebook stream on your website and its in pixels.
•css=â€Â" – here you can include a link to any custom CSS file on your server so you can customize the look of your stream.
Edited by DesGuru, 21 October 2012 - 03:26 PM.