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Making Part of an Image Clickable using Dreamweaver CS5

clickable dreamweaver cs5 image part

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#1 DesGuru


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Posted 10 November 2012 - 09:35 PM

To make any part of an image clickable using Dreamweaver CS5 do the following:
1.Open your Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and then oprn any HTML document and go to insert menu->image to insert and image
2.Click on the image to select it.
3.Click on the Property Inspector bottom right corner of the “Property Inspector” to see the available property options.
4.In the Map text field, type in a name for your hotspot .
5.Select either the “Rectangle" or the “Circle" tool to create a regular shaped hotspot and the drag the tool where you want on the
6.. Now, select the “Polygon" tool to create an irregular-shaped hotspot. Click on the tool on the image itself to specify the points of your polygon. Click on the “Arrow" tool to finish your polygon.
7.Select the file you want to open when your hotspot is clicked by selecting a file in the dialog box.
8.Click on the “Pointer Hotspot" tool to move or resize your hotspot
9 . To control how your new page is loaded, choose from the presets . You can select “_blank” in the Target dialog box and the linked file will open in a new window, you can also choose “_self” to and the page will open in the current window.
10. In the Alt text box, type in the link’s alternative text name to allow easy navigation so that the name would to be displayed when the mouse is hovered over the hotspot.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: clickable, dreamweaver cs5, image part

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