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Embedding HTML in an Email

email embedding html

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#1 OneDes


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Posted 11 December 2012 - 03:02 AM

To embed HTML in an email do the following:
1.Open your text editor and create a new HTML page typing the opening code in the window. Type a name for the file between the tags "<title></title>"
<title>MyEmail Document</title>
2. After "</head>" , enter the "<body>" tag. Anything that is typed after the body tag will display in your HTML email.
3. Create a single row, single column row table to keep your email message.
5. Addr you content between the tags "<td></td>"
<td> content of my message</td>
5.To bold your font place your content between "<b></b>" tags, to italicize your text use "<i></i>" tags , and to underline the text use "<u></u>" .
6 To make the text take the user somewhere on the net, make hyperlinks . Add an opening "anchor" tag, with the address before the text, and then type in the closing element after it
<a href="http://www.URL.com"> Text</a>
7.Save your file, and open an email message. Go to "Insert" option and locate your file. If you are using Mac OS X Mail, open the Safari browser, go to File-> "Open File" and then press the Command +I simultaneously to load the HTML in your message.

#2 aime


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Posted 14 December 2012 - 09:13 AM

thanks :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: email, embedding html

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