Log-In trouble? I have not been able to log-in for several days now? I don't have a clue as to what happened and why my log-in is being declined. I have written an email 2-3 times asking for help with this, but have not received a reply from anyone. Can anyone help me out here? Anyone?
Karen Howell
Log-In trouble
Log-In trouble? I have not been able to log-in for several days now? I don't have a clue as to what...
Posted 06 January 2006 - 03:19 AM
Hi Karen,
What is the exact error you are receiving?
What is the exact error you are receiving?
Neupix Media | Nip Napp! < iPhone App Reviews and News | Citrik Acid
Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:19 AM
I can assure you 100% there is only myself trying to access the site from my computer. Here is the the detailed message:
"You have entered an invalid username or password. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!"
You have used 1 out of 5 login attempts. After all 5 have been used, you will be unable to login for 15 minutes.
I did do the "click here" deal when I first encountered the problem, but heard no reply.
Now, the only thing I need to find out is if my login-information is the same as you have for me. If you could please email me with my correct information so I can compare I will know if that is where the problem lies. My email is [email protected]
If our information matches up then there is some other problem here. If you need me to answer a security question to verify my information, please let me know.
Thank You,
Karen Howell
"You have entered an invalid username or password. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!"
You have used 1 out of 5 login attempts. After all 5 have been used, you will be unable to login for 15 minutes.
I did do the "click here" deal when I first encountered the problem, but heard no reply.
Now, the only thing I need to find out is if my login-information is the same as you have for me. If you could please email me with my correct information so I can compare I will know if that is where the problem lies. My email is [email protected]
If our information matches up then there is some other problem here. If you need me to answer a security question to verify my information, please let me know.
Thank You,
Karen Howell
Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:36 AM
Hi Karen,
We can't view your password for security reasons. We can reset it, if you wish, just send me a new password through PM and I will change it.
Have you tried this yet? http://www.designcon...n.php?do=lostpw
We can't view your password for security reasons. We can reset it, if you wish, just send me a new password through PM and I will change it.
Have you tried this yet? http://www.designcon...n.php?do=lostpw
Neupix Media | Nip Napp! < iPhone App Reviews and News | Citrik Acid
Posted 08 January 2006 - 04:52 AM
May I suggest, if your not a design team member just sign up using a similar name and see if the problem continues.... That would eliminate the whole possiblity of a wrong password and heck if it works JUST FORGET THE OTHER NAME! lol
Hope that helps

Hope that helps
www.uniment1.com :: Design Services
Posted 08 January 2006 - 07:17 AM
I resent for a new password, I'll see where it goes from here. Thank You everyone for your help and suggestions...:-)
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