Which language is best?
Posted 22 December 2003 - 01:45 AM

Posted 24 December 2003 - 08:21 AM
Then I believe that all depends on your hosting language.
Posted 24 December 2003 - 08:21 AM
Then I believe that all depends on your hosting language.
Posted 29 December 2003 - 03:07 PM
Posted 06 January 2004 - 09:53 PM

On a more serious note, if we talk about web development, perl scripts are sometimes better than php, but in many cases php rules. It just depends on what you are going to do with it.
As for ASP, I haven't done it for 2 years now at all, but I didn't quite like it when I did. Not sure about ASP.NET, dunno much about it.
By the way, ASP and ASP.NET are not actually languages, they are technologies, frameworks. For example you can use ASP technology, but you can write applications in VBScript, JScript, PerlScript even.
Also, XML is not quite valid here, because it's more like HTML. So, if you include XML, then you need to include HTML as well, or exclude both.
Posted 14 January 2004 - 01:28 AM
But of course its a matter of preference and what you know at the time. Im not saying you should go out and learn Perl, its not an easy language to learn straight out.
So to end this mini battle everyone has a valid point. But at the end of the day there will not be a true winner
Posted 14 January 2004 - 12:03 PM

Posted 15 January 2004 - 11:19 AM
simple and effective design solutions
Posted 18 January 2004 - 10:55 AM
Now these are all valid languages to learn and im not saying you have to but if you want a job in this feild and can also help as these are basically similar to rest of the languages out there
ASP - ASP 3.0 although said to be dying i still feel should be learnt but dont expect an easy transition to ASP.Net
Perl - Good Language also another dying in the web, but of course is strong in the Security feild of Network Administration (The reason why i said its a good secure language but yes you are right phpdeveloper it will depend on the programmer and to add to it the system its being run on)
PHP - My Favourite because of its simplicity, not only that is starting to mature into an amazing language
Java - I wouldnt suggest any novice to step up to this language but if your serious about Web Programming or Programming in that matter Java is a huge thing.
Now i dont expect anyone to go out and learn them over night or even think about learning them but serious people should consider at least having a couple of the languages under there belt.
Posted 22 April 2004 - 03:12 AM
Posted 13 May 2004 - 03:18 AM
who was the idiot how post this? if you knew about programming you would know that php, asp, etc are not programming languages, they are serverside scripting. Java is a programming language which is huge, Bigger than php, asp, etc. Java does not belong among this list.
Just because they're interpreted they're not programming languages? That's ridiculous. Who cares how 'big' it is or whether or not is has to be compiled... these are merely features & requirements of the language, not disqualifying properties.
Posted 15 May 2004 - 04:16 PM
So personally I think it better to know 2 code languages very well inside and out, then know a little bit of a bunch of them.
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