1.Using the scene panel, click on the + icon to add a new scene preloader. Go to Window -> Other panels -> Scene or simple press Shift + F2
2.Move your preloader scene above the content scene.
3.Create a movieclip named "preloader bar" by drawing a rectangle using height 4px,width 200px, and color: #CCCCCC.
4.Create another movieclip named "preloader bar bg" by drawing a rectangle using height 4px ,width 400px, and color: #666666.
5.Put the movie clips on stage giving them instance names such as bar and bar_bg and then align them centered.
6.Put in a dynamic textfield loader_inf and put it centered under the bar.
7.Add an event listener that has a function to calculate the loaded percentage
Creating a simple preloader in Flash
1.Using the scene panel, click on the + icon to add a new scene preloader. Go to Window -> Other...
creating simple preloader flash
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