1. Using PHPMyAdmin, Log into the database that has your WordPress files in. If your hosts supports PHPMyAdmin, you’ll find the icon in the hosting control panel .
2.Click on the "Export" tab, and choose any table from the list, then click and press the "Control" key. Keep the export file type "SQL." Save the file, and enter a file name. To begin the export process, click on "Go" and the tables will be saved in your computer.
3. Now Log into the database that you want to transfer the table to. If it’s on the same user and account, just choose the second database from your drop-down list in PHPMyAdmin navigation pane.
4.Choose the "Import" tab from your PHPMyAdmin, and then click on "Browse" and locate the previously exported SQL file. Make sure you select "SQL" as the format of the import file, and then click "Go" to begin transferring process.
Transferring tables between WordPress databases
1. Using PHPMyAdmin, Log into the database that has your WordPress files in. If your hosts supports PHPMyAdmin,...
transferring tables wordpress databases
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