2006-11-16--The Superhero
Posted 11 November 2006 - 10:10 PM
Numerous times our superheros have encountered this evil mastermind.....like Super Kittie...with his side kick Rex the Dog.......but they were no match for the deviant menace.......DR HOODY!!!

---THE EYE---
Posted 12 November 2006 - 12:20 AM

ok, been busy finding bread for everyday..so, for now i post my first superhero..he was born way back 2005..i made him for a website i did for my boss that time.. i will redo him again with some new look..but for now let me introduce him to you.."BB Damulag"..Damulag is a filipino word meaning "large, big, a big boy, someone who is huge, also defines power " .. and "BB" which is up to now i really don't know the real meaning.. well this is actually my comic version of him, my boss when he ask me to create a character mascot for a subdomain which i also did for the site..
Posted 12 November 2006 - 04:41 AM


From the life of his past, a childhood of banishment and being beaten every day by his step father, Johnny as he was once called was a loner of a person. Johnny never really got along with anyone and didn't feel he blended in at all. He took to science like seconed nature.
At 17 years old he ran away from his rural home in the country bound land of South Dakota to a brighter future. Johnny found himself in Las Vegas.
He then got a pell grant and whent to College for nano technology, nuclear physics and any other thing he can do that had to do with his passion of science and technology. Years whent by and he became more and more alone and away from society.
Johnny found interest in hacking and has made quite a name for himself in the most notorious hack in history... The infimous hack of Area 51... He was caught red handed. The military checked his background and found nothing. The press was told that a John Doe has been arrested and sentenced to 4 life terms with no chance of paroll.
Prior to the infimous Area 51 hack, Johnny erased himself from society. No bank records, family, fingerprints, police files, nothing.
In the digital age we live in now...anything is possable.
Agents didn't know what to do or who they were dealing with. They took him and his computers to the Vegas Airport and flew into Area 51 on a nameless jet with a nameless flight; as if it never happened.
Underground over 20 agents scanned hard drives and disks and realized it wasn't just a normal John Doe they were dealing with, but a genious...
Johnny was given two choices, the first was death and the seconed choice was that he had the chance to work for the place he tried to hack and take information from.
He is now 24 years old and a Nano Biotics Scientist working for the United States Military Seceret Strike Force dubbed "Nightmare".
The military found a nameless mummy in the north pole during a testing phase for human physical endurance in the extreme cold. A soldier fell through the ice and into a glacier pit where within the mummy stood frozen, with staff in hand.
Johnny was given the oppertunity to work with the mummy who everyone at Area 51 came to call "Nightmare" because ever since it was brought back from the north anyone near it started getting very vivid day dream nightmares - and at night, away from their work... the further they got from the mummy...the more the dreams became a reality.
Johnny's job was to revive the mummy through nanites that warm the body up slowly - too fast and it could kill the mummy - too slow and the same would happen.
The staff was taken and the mummy was revived. Nightmare was then questioned and would not answer anything and kept saying - "my staff, the prophecy is now" in a deep crackled tone as if he was hundreds of years old.
The military did not know what power the staff had possessed and didn't want to take any chances. Everyone was told to Never, under any curcumstances let Nightmare yield the staff. Johnny being the one with the worst nightmares, because he has been the one working with Nightmare the closest and for the longest couldn't stand seeing some one else being held without a chance at life... no matter what that life my be or bring onto others.
One late night after running several tests and gathering blood samples from Nightmare, he noticed the staff glowing and Nightmare growing weaker by the moment. This was his chance to see what the staff and mummy could do.
Handing Nightmare the staff caused a psychoactive revelation in everyone who has layed eyes and suffered from the nightmares... The revelation of beings from deep within our own galaxy to wage war with Earth, the outermost planet that has water and is sustainable for life. After the revelation had happened and Nightmare recieved his staff in hand once more, all the nightmares stopped simotaniously!
The war wouldn't be a short one... but one lasting hundreds of years with short attacks until every invader has gathered around Earth in orbit.
The only way to stop it... is with Nightmare... But there is a catch, Nightmare is growing weak and without the help of nanites to sustain him... the Earth would be doomed. Johnny is the man for the job, the only one who can program the nanites for Nightmares genealogy. As a team they can do anything.
Nightmare was sent here thousands of years ago to follow through with this very prophecy and protect the human race against the invaders. The very next day terror struck and the United States knew just what to do... They brought out Nightmare! A man who is seen not as himself but as a ghostly demon when grasping his staff... and waves a power never seen before in the history of man kind!
The saga continues only in your mind... The story shall forever be with you in heart.
Thanks everyone for reading and checking out my first post on the Super Hero!

Posted 12 November 2006 - 07:31 AM
.... at the end of the message thread u will find "Quick reply" portion .... there u can click "Go advanced"/ Add Reply . u can instert the image using some url in the web.
Remember for the above process u must have uploaded that particular picture in to some website like " yahoo geocities" for example. Use this webadress ( http://****.***/**.gif ) of the picture to attach it in DC forum.
Take care that the picture should be in jpeg or gif format..... . SWF format files are not being displayed in the message...
hope this helped you
With best regards
Posted 12 November 2006 - 12:14 PM

Hellooooo ........
Super hero " Baaboo" is here he can be spelled anyway.... he is a different person anyway... he can fly around like the birds... and he will be there where his need is there and help everybody ... You can see in the picture he is flying along with clouds over there:eek: ....this intresting feature in him made him super herooooo.........
He likes challenges.....
This time in the picture he wants to fly against the " wind" .... and succeded:D ......
He dont like "make -up ";) ... ahah thats why he didnt allowed me to " decorate him with colors " .... he just want to be as he was created.....

All the best for him to become "The Super Hero" beating others....
Well friends ... have fun...
All the best for others...
Posted 12 November 2006 - 02:33 PM

That thing which flies in sky right there is just some kind of super hero thing, I have no idea and no one knows why it is exist; because it is hiding it's identity. When something bad happen in world, when a woman scream because someone has stolen her bag, when some bankers are under attack from some gangs, or whatever .. surprisley before superman, spiderman and all those guys we find this bird come on it's ship / motorcycle
started by some birds from the whisper planet at right area of the sky visting our globe, and found birds are threaten by humen. Those brids from whisper planet are not like ours, acutally they are more smart than human and they have extra power. After spending time in study and research in our globe they found that the problem of birds here is caused by human, and if they put a super hero soldier from here they will save the world. They selected " el telsmani abo khalifa " from asia to be the person because he is very kind and he love birds, they injected him with some special chemical compounds, and nothing changed really, but when he say " I belong to whisper " he change to be like human body mixed with birds power, add to that his damin ship .. he is got paied monthly salary from whisper planet and there u go ..
extra super birdo is faster than flash, has it's own martial art, all these things that can kill human doesn't work in his body or his strong suit. one thing is very dangrous to him is that he is very sensitive of salt. if someone put salt in his tea cup that may send him to hospital. and his ship / motorcycle is really having many secret weapons and stuff like that.
Posted 12 November 2006 - 07:38 PM
When he regained consciousness he knew the explosion was no accident because the last report he had made on DRX was a memo detailing his suspicion that the virus was not a creation of evolution but of man. The virus was design by someone with a dark purpose not yet understood. The explosion was meant to kill professor Walker to suppress this information and let the dark plan come to fruition.
The professor knew he must continue his research and discover the culprit of this evil plot. With the help of his associates an exoskeleton was constructed that would replace the missing parts of his body and allow him to continue his work and bring those responsible for this heinous conspiracy to justice. Because he knew he would never be safe once his assassins found they had failed in their attempt to kill him, the professor augmented this suit with super human strength, speed and agility.
The moment professor Walker put on the exoskeleton he knew he had forever changed. He was no longer a man of science - he was reborn as a warrior who’s purpose was to help save the world and punish those who would use science for evil. He was no longer professor Ben Walker, he was Cyberman!
Posted 12 November 2006 - 09:19 PM
Seems to me or this here looks like a male Marry Poppins and this like Robocop?
But i really like some of this posts. Davezat made a great job, so Nicholas and the eye
Yes, I can see some features of the robocop character in DaveZAT's drawing, and I don't see anything wrong with being inspired by the movie.
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