How to win? Share only one tip
Hi all, win you need to have hope, believe in yourself. original get inspired
3.refine your...
Posted 05 May 2013 - 05:59 PM
Have you eve noticed that the contest winning design has nothing to do with the brief? Occasionally the CH gets excited about the latest design style and picks the flashiest entry. So the contest goes to the most skilled designer at 3D. Thus a yoga studio ends up with a design that looks like a part that fell off a spaceship.
The point being that the psychology of the CH is as important the design itself. Knowing this, you may want to read and reread the brief and research the company if possible. Try to see if you can provide what is needed and wanted (more and better than what is asked for).
Does your creative mindset matchup with the CH?
Don't take criticism personally. Get better and find a better fit.
The point being that the psychology of the CH is as important the design itself. Knowing this, you may want to read and reread the brief and research the company if possible. Try to see if you can provide what is needed and wanted (more and better than what is asked for).
Does your creative mindset matchup with the CH?
Don't take criticism personally. Get better and find a better fit.
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