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Convert Asp.Net Variables to JavaScript

convert asp.net variables to javascript

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#1 OneDes


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Posted 16 April 2013 - 09:03 PM

You can integrate ASP values to your JavaScript values, to do this follow these steps
1. Open your Visual Studio by going to Start-> All programs-> Microsoft .NET->Visual Studio.
2. Go to File->Open. And click your ASP project file name and click "Open."
3. Double-click the form containing your JavaScript function. Then click "View Code" to open the JavaScript and HTML code.
4. Type the code ‘ =yourASPVariable’ between these code tags <% %>

The "=" sign tells your ASP engine to write the variable as "ASPVariable" to the JavaScript. Make sure you change "yourASPVariable" to your own variable name.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: convert asp.net variables, to javascript

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