To enable ratings in all your Joomla articles do the following:
1. Go to "Content" -> "Article Manager
2.Click on "Parameters" from the "Article Manager Menu". This will display the "Articles Global Configuration" window.
3.Click on "Show" next to "Article Rating/Votingâ€Â. Then click "Save" .
4. View your articles and if there were articles with previously specified no view options and you want to override them. Go to “Article Manager†and click on the article to open it for editing. Click on "Parameters - Advanced" to edit your article's advanced parameters. Select the "Use Global" option. Then click "Save".
How to Enable Joomla ratings on All Articles
To enable ratings in all your Joomla articles do the following:
1. Go to "Content" -> "Article...
all articles enable joomla ratings
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