Do not forget to always bad effect on anything you do in Photoshop to be bad, because it is only for photoshop pixel, not a vector! primarily think some objects if they are made in Illustrator and imported into Photoshop as a Smart effects. Of course they will layerisati to some extent, but when reduced to a minimum will be krezavi-especially thoughts on your own font.
As for the glass, it's a good effect in the use of other types of print design, however, the glass is not only meant for business cards, there are also posters, memos-the memorandum most if printed on a hard crust
Glass is the easiest way to make the Opacity-50% minimum, layered! Can you give some gradient transition to it, to the best of -45 degrees brighter in a darker color. There are also Inner Glow and Outer Glow effect serving to look like glass. Note that this is an excellent solution for the text also as protection, because almost the same effect can be done with it. Inner Glow and Outer Glow put on some shades of gray-not too much darker in color, and not too much size as 3-4 approximate thickness of the whole. This is a very good thing, for example, can be used in some portfolios also works in PDF as a note, which adorn every printed page. You can try a little experimenting with the Bevel and Emboss, just should not be exaggerated, always include Preview to see how it works.
I hope I managed to help a little, because I used to use this effect in the logo. If some good stared, such a glass effect can be found in my works on designcontestu-inflammation effect, or the glass as work IBERENVASES # 26 work done in Illustrator. So you can do the same in Photoshop, and Illustrator too
For any suggestions, criticisms, I am available!
*Sincerely, graphic design studio Krisdesign