Intelligent critiques needed
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:52 PM
ok mate - give me a bit of time and I'll get back to you, there's quite a bit to say!
Thanks men, take your time.. I hope Im not eating your precious time..
this is my first time doing this, I sometimes posting here for showoff or for meeting my required post numbers, but now im actually using this for the actual purpose of a forum.. I usually work alone but hearing comments from other designers excites me, as if im working in a group.
Thanks GJRDesign!
Posted 25 October 2013 - 06:53 PM
Thanks men, take your time.. I hope Im not eating your precious time..
this is my first time doing this, I sometimes posting here for showoff or for meeting my required post numbers, but now im actually using this for the actual purpose of a forum.. I usually work alone but hearing comments from other designers excites me, as if im working in a group.
Thanks GJRDesign!
No problem. I'm lacking inspiration at the moment anyway - think this will be a good diversion.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:09 PM
One other thing I noticed is there is no real point of interest... my eyes are going all over the place with nothing to grab my attention.
Aside from the colours and outdated look, the 2 points mentioned above are what needs to be focused on for this website. I would go into more detail but I'm too tired

Hope this info helps you
- finestroke likes this
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:21 PM
I went to the actual website to take a look at all the pages, and one thing that's obvious is that there is no grid structure. Your new re-design should have one, whether it's based on a 960 grid or 1280 or whatever you choose. So I would start off with that, just so there's some structure to the site.
One other thing I noticed is there is no real point of interest... my eyes are going all over the place with nothing to grab my attention.
Aside from the colours and outdated look, the 2 points mentioned above are what needs to be focused on for this website. I would go into more detail but I'm too tired
Hope this info helps you
Thisll be a huge help. Great insight! I will surely take notes on those.
Thanks mate!
Ill keep you posted on my progress on this..
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:43 PM
'tol,This is the design and it needs to be redesigned..
Honestly what can you say about this design?
i don't do web designs, but in my opinion to that, i can see lack of balance. texts to me needs to be justified, boxes should go asymmetrical, and i think black or is that dark gray? is too thick for the contrast, it takes the color of background since they're like pastels fade away. cant you try lighter than that?
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:44 PM
The main strength of the site is that it does not look corporate and cold. You mentioned web 2.0 and I would be careful going blindly down that avenue. You should approach it from that angle to get the usability aspect fixed but the last thing you want to do is remove that personal element from it. If you use imagery don't use stock, get the client to supply some pictures. The photos may be butt ugly but they will convey that personal message.
A few observations (I could go on more!!!)
1) no contrast between sections. Everything is the same green which means nothing grabs attention. It is important to present the information the user is looking for quickly and effectively. The average user will not read through lines of text to find what they want so the design should work to focus the user's attention on the main message.
2) no clear call to action. The goal of any website is to engage the user in some way. There should be a clear direction - click this to do this. and that should be as high up the page as possible. Replacing the vision section.
3) no images. Imagery can be used to provoke emotion and engage the user. It can also be used to draw attention to calls to action and to guide a user through a page.
4) no proper heading structure. It looks like all of the content is of the same importance. Headings should guide the user through the page.
4) the navigation is functional but messy, each menu otion should be clearly defined and easily distinguishable. The menu should reflect what a user would want to see not neccesarily what you want to tell them. For example "about us" may not be that important(depends on the business). If the average user would be most interested in the video library then that should be the first option and easily distinguishable.
5) the members benefits section on the left is positioned where a user may expect a navigation menu which is confusing. moving it to the right may work better.
6) buttons do not look like buttons.
7) Section headings look like buttons.
8) a lot of wasted space. users do not like scrolling. the available space should be used more effectively. Again calls to action at the top and less relevent information towards the bottom.
9) The huge section of text("Welcome from the President") in the middle of the page is too much for a user to digest. It should either be cut down or link to another page. An average user would not read through all of that text.
10) the whole page is a little dead. perhaps introduce a news section or social elements to show that the company is active.
Edited by GJR, 25 October 2013 - 07:56 PM.
- finestroke likes this
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:54 PM
i don't do web designs, but in my opinion to that, i can see lack of balance. texts to me needs to be justified, boxes should go asymmetrical, and i think black or is that dark gray? is too thick for the contrast, it takes the color of background since they're like pastels fade away. cant you try lighter than that?
Thank you tol! Malaking tulong parin to tol.
Posted 25 October 2013 - 07:54 PM
Before you start I suggest that you talk to the client and find out exactly how they want they want the average user to interact with the site. Why do people visit the site. what would they expect to see, what are they most interested in? what is the main goal of the site?
The main strength of the site is that it does not look corporate and cold. You mentioned web 2.0 and I would be careful going blindly down that avenue. You should approach it from that angle to get the usability aspect fixed but the last thing you want to do is remove that personal element from it. If you use imagery don't use stock, get the client to supply some pictures. The photos may be butt ugly but they will convey that personal message.
A few observations (I could go on more!!!)
1) no contrast between sections. Everything is the same green which means nothing grabs attention. It is important to present the information the user is looking for quickly and effectively. The average user will not read through lines of text to find what they want so the design should work to focus the user's attention on the main message.
2) no clear call to action. The goal of any website is to engage the user in some way. There should be a clear direction - click this to do this. and that should be as high up the page as possible. Replacing the vision section.
3) no images. Imagery can be used to provoke emotion and engage the user. It can also be used to draw attention to calls to action and to guide a user through a page.
4) no proper heading structure. It looks like all of the content is of the same importance. Headings should guide the user through the page.
4) the navigation is functional but messy, each menu otion should be clearly defined and easily distinguishable. The menu should reflect what a user would want to see not neccesarily what you want to tell them. For example "about us" may not be that important(depends on the business). If the average user would be most interested in the video library then that should be the first option and easily distinguishable.
5) the members benefits section on the left is positioned where a user may expect a navigation menu which is confusing. moving it to the right may work better.
6) buttons do not look like buttons.
7) Section headings look like buttons.
8) a lot of wasted space. users do not like scrolling. the available space should be used more effectively. Again calls to action at the top and less relevent information towards the bottom.
9) The huge section of text("Welcome from the President") in the middle of the page is too much for a user to digest. It should either be cut down or link to another page. An average user would not read through all of that text.
10) the whole page is a little dead. perhaps introduce a news section or social elements to show that the company is active.
Wow! This is too much!! Really really appreciate it! Thank you for this!
Posted 25 October 2013 - 08:03 PM
One more thing - Also from accessibility point of view I think (haven't tested) the colour contrast is too low. Users with colour blindness and visual impairment may have problems using the site.
I haven't commented on the visual aspect of the design because I'm sure you've got that under control .
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