Capturing the moment is extremely important in photography. It’s not only the moment, it’s the singular instant of the light, movement, expression, and environment combined in a fraction of a second. If you can predict those special and spectacular moments you would truly be a camera guru. Anticipation is the key. You need to anticipate how a specific scene will play in the coming fractions of the second. Or things that you think might happen. It can be the way you notice how the light will hit an object in a little while, or waiting for something to take occur. You can’t know exactly what will happen but you can watch the scene carefully keeping in mind all the other surrounding elements to get an idea of what I most likely about to happen. Don't forget practice practice and practice .
Capturing the moment
Capturing the moment is extremely important in photography. It’s not only the moment, it’s...
capturing the moment
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capturing the momentStarted by SmartWeb, 14 Aug 2013 capturing the moment |
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