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#21 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 05:32 PM

I didn't expected that I was really shocked! The only 1 entry rated an hour ago thren he generously rated some of the designs then few minutes after submittingm BOOM! Gold..... You did a great job back there, Let's met again in another contest. How about the Ryan Parker Construction Company? See you there. Got to go, I'm gonna slap myself first a hundred times! Ive got 3 Golds in a week, Who would know? Thanks! Your'e a good support buddy! =)

#22 PaintedPony



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Posted 12 March 2014 - 07:47 PM

Hey Dina! Cool thread you've started. Just wanted to mention your Blue Tattoo illustration you did. Great job and I think the tattoo lady reminds me of you! :) from what I can see from your photo. :)

#23 HerbertNordal


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Posted 13 March 2014 - 01:19 AM

I think I see a contest with your name on it:
TicketPrinting.com Equestrian Event Ticket&Poster | Other Design | DesignContest.com

#24 PaintedPony



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 02:16 AM

Thanks for the heads up on that contest Herbert! :) I haven't had much time to check out any new contests, but I'm interested in that one! I have quite a bit of local client work right now, so hopefully I can carve out some time to enter, thanks. :)

#25 thereeds92



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 02:18 AM

Thanks Painted!! That was an extremely fun, yet time consuming design! Feel like I havent seen you in a long time. Is all ok?? :)

#26 PaintedPony



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 03:40 AM

Thanks Painted!! That was an extremely fun, yet time consuming design! Feel like I havent seen you in a long time. Is all ok?? :)

Hey there~ I know, I don't think we've crossed paths in any contests lately. I'm doing OK here and keeping busy which hasn't left me a lot of time to enter many contests.

Would be funny to use your tattoo lady as your avatar ... if your CH doesn't mind. :)

#27 thereeds92



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 04:06 AM

I went a while before entering contests again...same deal, busy at home! I also dont like entering every contest...Im more into the unconventional type of logo design....not many doctors, lawyers, etc. Ya I really love my tattoo lady...she is pretty cool! I should slap it on as my avatar. Mason wouldnt mind Im sure. Hope to see you in some contests soon!!

#28 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 12:27 PM

Thanks thereeds92! appreciate the help a lot. Are an engineer or something?

#29 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 01:13 PM

What happened to your entries in Exterior ProWash thereeds92?

#30 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 05:06 PM

Is there any effects I could do on my design in "Ryan Parker" Logo contest? It would be great if somebody will give some suggestions

#31 sharie



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 05:12 PM

What happened to your entries in Exterior ProWash thereeds92?

Those entries were removed because clipart was used......... A reminder to ALL designers NO clipart is allowed in logo contests. Continue use of clipart will result in a ban and if you are banned a second time it then becomes a "never lift ban"

Good designers do NOT need to use clipart, this is unfair the contestholder, the contestholder can NOT copyright or trademark a design that has clipart in it. This is also unfair to other designers that follow the designer guidelines and rules of NO clipart.

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#32 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 13 March 2014 - 07:51 PM

Thank you for the info sharie... I didn't know that it was a clipart... Maybe it's better to search for images time to time, not to copy but to see what should not be used in making a design because maybe your idea has already been done and marked.

#33 thereeds92



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Posted 14 March 2014 - 01:12 AM

First off thanks for responding before I had a chance to Sharie. Second I AM a good designer and the art we are speaking of was not used IN the design...at times us designers use images as a reference and I obviously used it too much as a reference. :( It was not downloaded, not intentional, and nor did I use the actual image of the splash. I apologize and did not fight the issue considering it was WAY too similar. I find myself to be an extremely talented designer who has made many clients happy, through this amazing site and also through my own work here at home. You have always been an amazing admin and yet again I do apologize for the undeniable similarity!

Aljean my friend...you are correct. And, as I was searching for splash examples I came across one that looked great! But Sharie is 100% correct....it was waayyyyy to similar!! I decided not to re-enter the contest, although I did have another concept I was thinking of considering it was obvious the CH picked a winner that they loved! :) As far as the design for Ryan Parker, I would try to center the tie more on the hat....OR revert back to what he mentioned in a comment to me. He loves simple, somewhat abstract designs. Maybe the hat is too much for him? His company is construction, but also contracting, so the hat may not make much sense to him? Im going to enter again but have been busy here. My grama, who is 88 years old and lives in NYC had yet another setback and I am currently here in NYC helping her out. I return home tomorrow since she does have my sister and nieces living with her. About 2.5 years ago she almost died as her heart was completely blocked! After an 8 hour surgery, that we didnt expect for her to come through, she was fine!!! Now, she gets very tired and gets the feeling of constant heartbeat through her chest pounding. Its scary, but at 88 Im blessed she is still here with us. :)

#34 sharie



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Posted 14 March 2014 - 04:00 AM

thereeds92 I am not sure if we are talking about the same entries, The entries reported to me had exact clipart in it are you referring to a different design?

BTW when I said "Good designers do NOT need to use clipart" I was not saying "you" were a bad designer, and I love the blue tattoo girl

I am sorry to hear you Grandma is ill

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#35 thereeds92



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 02:29 AM

Im back finally. Just got home from NY with grama and a stop in New Mexico for my best friend...as her dad passed away. :( He was battling stage 4 bone and brain cancer for 2 years, and he finally went to be with his Lord. Grama is stable and thankful my sister is there with her. Thank you guys for your kind words!!!! Hope I can still have time for Ryan Parker!

Sharie!! Thanks so much. You have always been such a great person to give that extra push and encouragement. thanks!! Noooo we are talking about same design. The splash! The dreaded splash! ha! Looked so good I mimicked it...but too well! Its funny...I couldve drawn a MUCH better splash on my own tablet, BUT I got overwhelmed with my Grama. AND to top it off, the extra trip to New Mexico. :) But...Im back and focused!

Thanks again to all. xoxoxo


#36 PaintedPony



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Posted 16 March 2014 - 11:57 PM

Gosh Dina, you've had a lot happen all at once. Glad to hear that your Grama is doing better. Hope you have a better week this week! :)

#37 thereeds92



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Posted 17 March 2014 - 09:48 PM

Thanks Painted! When it rains it pours right!!! Thankfully she is ok now and Im finally calming down as well.

#38 aljeanrey1986



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Posted 19 March 2014 - 06:50 AM

Thanks Painted! When it rains it pours right!!! Thankfully she is ok now and Im finally calming down as well.

Are you a Christian Catholic?

Whenever I have problems, I always think that everything will be just fine, eventually...

#39 HerbertNordal


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Posted 05 January 2018 - 09:02 PM

Hi guys want to refresh this topic and share this sound effects bundle which I use.



The above links goes to a site that SELLS audio.

The designer has never entered a contest.

This is the designers only post.


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