Very glad to write on this to introduce myself to the community.
I'm From Sri Lanka. I'm 22 years old and i'm in a relationship, but not married XD.
Well I'm the senior multimedia Designer at Sanit International PVT, Ltd which is located in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Also i'm a freelancer designer since 2009 upto now.
Apart from designing i do a lot of things as my hobby.
I play musical instruments like the guitar, piano, violene, acoustic drums etc

I read books, watch TV shows and documentaries and movies.
Also i have two dogs at home named deeno and jenny, Doberman and a labradore. I really like to spend time with them too.
I have participated in All island graphic designing competition organised by the sri lankan governments, NAITA. And i was the Provincial First. Then i placed 4th in the all island level.
I'm an idiot when it comes to my meals and food. I really don't care about my meals when i work, so i ended up suffering from gastritis

well i hope its enough about myself

I'm new to DC and i'm really happy to say that my very first submission scored the bronze and i'm really happy

I'm really interested in DC and i will start a good journey from here

Thank you all!!!!!!!