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#41 operhal


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 08:51 AM

Oleksandrm I can't see that..please check photo below - that happens when I click on entry



#42 Oleksandrm



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 10:31 AM

Oleksandrm I can't see that..please check photo below - that happens when I click on entry


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Breadcrumbs are visible only in 1 entry page, not at pop-up. 

#43 operhal


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 11:49 AM

I still can't found that option :(


so what happen with my 48 gold medal?

#44 Oleksandrm



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 12:30 PM

Ok, please open this link.  Are you able to see the link to the contest? Links are visible only for winning entries + entries added automatically + entries added from my designs tab. 


We have recounted all medals, calculation was based on real contest, maybe 1 contest was abandoned, or removed, or smth like this? Could you provide an exact contest name, or link to the gold medal design? 

#45 operhal


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 03:37 PM

It is solved. One contest which I won has some bug - all medals was gone and I wasn't able to go in finalization mode, but now is ok.

#46 EcoDesigns


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 04:10 PM

Thanks for replying Olek! My gold medal count is showing less. I have a full list of all gold medals I have won. Do you need it?




Update: I found the missing gold medal contest. It went to forum for voting and then I got the medal. The contest page was removed after that:




Please correct this error. Thanks for all your help!


Here is the link where voting took place: https://www.designco...hotography.html

#47 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 04:46 PM

I really don't think "abandoned contest medals should be in medal counts, these contests are removed from the database for a reason, why should a gold medal from an abandoned contest be included in your contests wins?


These guaranteed designer votes on abandoned contests, you upload files just so we can close them so you can be paid, the contest is then removed from the database


The client didn't choose  a winner, and sometimes in these designer voted contests, the one taking the gold might be the only one at that time to vote on, or  the only decent one at that time....It really is not a contest win, I'm not even sure if other sites do this with abandoned guaranteed winner contests, I think we about the only site that lets designers vote on something like this  to payout a prize, This is something we opted to do for  designers here at designcontest.com


I would love to hear what other sites do with guaranteed winner abandoned contests and if they do payout  is there a medal for that in the profile

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#48 EcoDesigns


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 04:56 PM

Its definitely something to be considered for future by DC admins or should be opened for voting by designers, whichever works best for the site. Its a whole new debate.


But right now, I am lost because this 'abandoned' medal count and entry were both showing up on my profile until the new profile page went live. So why did it suddenly disappear?


Also, if the new profile pages will not show abandoned golds anymore, I would like to ask all designers who have won abandoned contests to check if its showing up on their profile or not, this way we will know if its a bug or a new rule.

#49 EcoDesigns


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 05:01 PM

Additionally, Olek my profile page is not showing reviews/stars even though I have successfully completed One-on-Ones. Can you please check? Also, one project that has been completed and paid for, is showing up in negotiation. See attached file.


Thanks again for all your help! You are amazing :)

Attached Files

#50 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 05:07 PM

Abandoned contests are completely different than "contest wins"  Sometimes the winner of a guaranteed winner abandoned contest vote is by default, not enough designers voted so I go and choose winner based on ch rating points and those points are most of the time not good points,  This option is just to close out the contest and pay a designer, you really didn't win a contest

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#51 PaintedPony



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 06:08 PM

Thanks so much for all the updated info Oleksandrm!

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#52 Ridder



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 06:18 PM

None of my 11 golds are linked back to the contest.


Links are visible only for winning entries + entries added automatically + entries added from my designs tab.


1) Looks like you haven`t completed any One-on-one projects xfrown.gif.pagespeed.ic.xn80tbRO54.png


*** **

I completed some 1-on-1s, but I don't think I got fedbacks.

I think contest rating starts fedback should be there. Most of them are about the winner not DC.


Great work guys!

#53 EcoDesigns


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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:18 PM

Abandoned contests are completely different than "contest wins"  Sometimes the winner of a guaranteed winner abandoned contest vote is by default, not enough designers voted so I go and choose winner based on ch rating points and those points are most of the time not good points,  This option is just to close out the contest and pay a designer, you really didn't win a contest

In my case, my entry was voted by other designers. CH rated only two entries by me and no other entry. So it wasnt a random win done to just close the contest. But thats besides the point. I am asking why was it showing up on my medal count and profile page earlier and not now after the new pages went live?

#54 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:22 PM

These abandoned contest guaranteed winner, is not a "win", once the files are uploaded  so you can be paid, the contest is then marked abandoned and removed/hidden from database. These should not count as a win  maybe extra designer points but as far as the gold medal in profile, these are not really  contest wins, the old profiles were just that old profiles with bugs and incomplete information from when we did new site last Sept.

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#55 graphman



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:28 PM


#56 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:30 PM

test what?   :)

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#57 graphman



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:33 PM

test what?   :)

Trying to post an image.

#58 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:37 PM

graphman click on more reply options, you will see where you can upload an image  :)

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#59 sharie



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:40 PM

In my case, my entry was voted by other designers. CH rated only two entries by me and no other entry. So it wasnt a random win done to just close the contest. But thats besides the point. I am asking why was it showing up on my medal count and profile page earlier and not now after the new pages went live?

Abandoned guaranteed winners, I have to mark a gold/silver and bronze to allow the gold to upload so designer can be paid for this non win abandoned contest, in old profile the medal was not subtracted when the contest was marked abandoned after designer is paid, now the medal is removed  when contest is marked abandoned.  Again these are not contest wins and should not count for medal counts, medals are only assigned so a payout can happen in these guaranteed winner contest contest that are abandoned

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#60 graphman



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Posted 08 April 2015 - 07:52 PM

Thanks Sharie. Great work on the pages guys! Look awesome! I attached a sample of the background color edit I was talking about. It kinda gives the thumbs a pop.


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