'Contests' menu is no longer has finalizations, following, ..etc on both Firefox and Chrome.
A preview is attached:
dcg.jpg 34.95KB
All other menus seems fine.
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Posted 24 October 2015 - 11:50 AM
I believe Olek will look into this on Monday.
Still, you can go to browse all contests, filter them by setting to finalization mode, then you will see it.
Posted 24 October 2015 - 11:23 PM
I think the programmers are cooking somehting good, probaly removing the "unrlated" finalizations. So jsut to update what's going on with my "Contests" list, I just submitted a new entry, and a new section appeared called "Open". It has my new contest. But no other old sections are there (finalization,.. etc), although I have an open finalization. Thanks
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