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How to convert Curves back to Text in CorelDraw?

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#1 djdesi


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Posted 28 May 2007 - 12:41 PM

Hi.... noob here.. so plz just bear the pain with me.. :)

I did a logo in CorelDraw 12... The finished logo was ok.. but now the management wants to change the logo design... the fonts are the same as they were before... but now the management wants the text to be around the logo. The problem is that I had changed the text into a curve before i sent the originals for the printing.. Now i dont have the originals because they were not done on the PC that i usually use and the guy over there has formated the PC... So to cut a long story short... plz advise me and help on how to change the text back to text which is now a curve.. :) Also plz keep in mind that I do not have the font anymore with me so i recreated (traced) the font as it was on the visiting card...

A fast reply will be greatly appreciated...



#2 stardiver


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Posted 30 May 2007 - 05:57 PM

you will need that font to create a text arround logo to place in on the path - anyway it's still possbile to do that with just curves but thats pain in the a** :) big one :)))
my advice - identify the font and work it from there it's much easier that way


#3 bogglins


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Posted 01 September 2007 - 03:32 AM

i don't think that you can convert that back..

by this date.. i guess you've solved the problem.. :)

#4 illsomenia


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Posted 05 September 2008 - 08:48 PM

I won't talk about "How to Revert pre Saved Font>Vector in Corel 12", I just want to leave some advise for everyone just in case they're using any "unordinary" font in corel draw.

Don’t just uses a normal save, but use the "Prepare for Service Bureau" this will also save the font you use and can create the PDF file for previewing.

This is how to do it:
1. Finish Your Design
2. Click Menu File-->Prepare for Service Bureau
3. Choose Gather all Files associated with this document then click next
4.Check Create a PDF file if you want to have a PDF for previewing (Color Calibration Required for best result) or just click next
5. Browse to the destination folder
6. Wait for a minute until the progress is completed
7. Then It's Done!!!

How to use it:
When you use another computer who doesn’t have those fonts inststalled, a warning will pops up and tells you about the missing font and using a font replacement, to avoid this you can add it with Bit Stream Font Navigator This is how to add a font:
1. Open Bit Stream Font Navigator from Corel Draw Graphic Suite
2. Check the folder where you save the job (e.g. Removable:\Logo) then click Next
3. Click next and wait for searching
4. Drag and Drop the font from Font Catalog to The Installed Font

If your Client want to see your design in corel you know how to open it, for quick preview I think the PDF will be easier for the client, and when the client want to print it, the service bureau will know what to do with the folder you gave (Believe me!)

#5 georgian


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Posted 13 January 2009 - 01:18 PM

the whay i do it: make the logo keeping the font as a font, select all the logo, move a copy ( right clik ) and transform it there in curves - this way, if i want to change something, i just go to the editable text and change it there, place it in the right place ( copy ) and than transform it in curves...again and again :)

#6 Chung Dha

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Posted 13 January 2009 - 01:26 PM

That's why you need to make a sketch file and copy past some of the steps on the side so you can go back and easily change things.

#7 Alina


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Posted 08 July 2009 - 09:46 PM

In each client's folder, I have 3 types of .cdr files. Let's say the client is "Monaco"
I will have:
Monaco.cdr--->working file where I gather my info and start ideas
Monaco_final.cdr--->the final file chosen by client, not converted to curves
Monaco_final_Q.cdr--->Q comes from the Ctrl. Q command that transforms to curves. This will be the file that can be opened by client or others even if they don't have my fonts.

In case of any need for changing text, I always go back to my final but not converted file, and that is Monaco_final.cdr

#8 endrove


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Posted 06 August 2010 - 09:15 AM

yea, I agree with Alina..
Always willing to back up of your Corel files.
I always solving the problem like this step.

None Perfect One

#9 MasNgabei


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Posted 16 August 2010 - 03:59 AM

yea, I agree with Alina..
Always willing to back up of your Corel files.
I always solving the problem like this step.

+1 on that one too...

#10 J&R2


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Posted 22 August 2010 - 02:04 PM

keep font as a font, and save it in curves in final file you send to the client logoF.cdr the original file logo.cdr with all working area and fonts used are for you, so you can have even some other stuff out of working area you wish to keep for "if" cases...

#11 Jogi



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Posted 02 October 2010 - 07:34 AM

always make name-curve.cdr like final-print file
But if you need to find missing fonts try with
step by step you have chance to find something similar

#12 Guest_BalticDesign_*

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Posted 23 November 2010 - 07:08 PM

If outlined text is so much you can try to use text recognition programms. One of them ABBYYFineReader

#13 mydownloadforum


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Posted 31 August 2011 - 01:30 PM

Try using an option called Embedded fonts it will help you even if you dont have fonts and no need to convert to curves too..

Say Hurray!!!

#14 anantasteyr



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Posted 07 September 2011 - 10:54 AM

i agree with the senior designer in DC... you may have a source file. so... if you want to curve, just convert to curve your text then SAVE AS... so, your source file is save... with real text.

#15 marlonaire



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Posted 10 July 2012 - 08:57 AM

you can also back up your files by doing this step.

Go to File ---> Collect for output -----> Then check the (include .cdr in the 2nd option) all your files will be saved in a separate folder including pdf files and the fonts you used in that specific document.

Hope this one helps.

#16 Dskwrks


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 09:58 AM

I am not sure about Corel 12 extentions and added features but if you have the warp tools/ filters like how Ai has then it is pretty easy to wrap the text into a circle.
1) Group all the text and then use the warp tool arch or arch in the effects menu.. which ever you choose remember that one of those will make your outer points sharp and tapered while the other just keeps it straight and warps just the middle. Sorry I forget which one is which.

2) Group the text and use transform tool under the effects menu in distort and tranform. Use all of the options you have there but make sure you that you have selected the corner anchor point before you start adjusting. { Corner anchor point is located on the bottom left hand sie of the transform panel. The square with the small squares on all corners and centers. } Until you are satisfied with your resullts.

3) Go and crop out a portion of the font you need to find and upload that crop to myfonts.com {what's the font}.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting

#17 win09



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Posted 22 July 2012 - 12:02 PM

may be.. you can use undo..
hehehee :)

#18 click2sajid


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 10:20 AM

just right click on the curved text , and press the option - Convert to Paragraph Text ( ctrl+f8 )


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