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Hide Medal Details/Levels from the Hover Menu of Designers' details on Contest Entries Page

Medals contest details designers

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#1 Kunvar_Aishwary


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Posted 11 October 2016 - 12:27 PM

A designer who is talented and designs according to what the contest holder expects will surely win contests. But I believe a few times, only a few times, the contest holder might get inclined towards choosing the designs from a level 10 designer rather than from a designer who is on level 1. Sometimes a CH might get biased towards a designer who has won 60-70 odd contests and might ignore what a new designer designs. I see no reason of showing the number of medals a participating designer has won on an independent contest entry page. The profile of a designer can show what it shows right now, but contests shall be contested on a field with no elements available for a rise of bias. I would love to know the reason of showing designer's medal count/level in designer name hover menu. I have full respect for the talented, experienced and creative designers here, but its just that I can't find a proper reason for the visible medal count and levels on contest page itself and thus I feel it may not be shown.



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#2 sharie



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 04:23 PM

I understand what you are ssaying but the contesthodler has every right to see  what the designer has accomplished  here at designcontest.com. To be more specific about website... clients do not choose  a website design based on how many wins a designer has, websites are expensive  and time consuming, the client chooses the design they like not based on how many wins a designer has.  Coding is different, a client may hire a designer in a  1on1 based on how many wins but this is completely different than the design contest.


Thank you

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#3 Kunvar_Aishwary


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Posted 11 October 2016 - 06:44 PM

I understand what you are ssaying but the contesthodler has every right to see  what the designer has accomplished  here at designcontest.com. To be more specific about website... clients do not choose  a website design based on how many wins a designer has, websites are expensive  and time consuming, the client chooses the design they like not based on how many wins a designer has.  Coding is different, a client may hire a designer in a  1on1 based on how many wins but this is completely different than the design contest.


Thank you

Hello Sharie Ma'am, I agree with you that a contest holder should have the right to know what the designer has accomplished at designcontest.com. As I said earlier, the designer's public profile page should have all the information as it has right now, allowing CH to know whatever he/she wants to know about the designer. Lets say if the medal count is not shown in hover menu (by the way I am referring to every type of contests including logo designs and not only website design contests). then the contest holder will choose precisely and without any bias (if earlier present), that design which he/she likes and of course the CH can then click on designer's name to go to the designer's public profile page to learn whatever he/she wants to about the designer. No restriction at all but yes any chance of psychological effect of the medal count/levels will get eliminated. 

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#4 sharie



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 07:00 PM

The medal count has NO bearing on what website design the client chooses, A website design is   great deal different than logo design. website design contest is VERY costly for clients clients are NOT choosing a winner based on  medal count of a designer! I talk with the contestholder on a daily basis half of them don't even know what that is.  They are choosing a website design based on what they see , like, want in a website design. they choose the design that will work for them. Showing medal count is not influencing   the contesholder to choose or go with any certain website designer

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#5 Kunvar_Aishwary


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Posted 11 October 2016 - 07:53 PM

I do not understand why do you think that I am talking about some website design contests... I NEVER mentioned anything about website designing contests. I am talking mainly with reference to logo design contests. And if NONE of the contest holders are getting influenced by the medal count in choosing their winning LOGO design then... Voila!! Its great! Human mind though, isn't always pragmatic! I still feel what I started with. 


Thanks anyway. 

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#6 sharie



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Posted 11 October 2016 - 08:26 PM

I have the best solution!  Keep entering the contest you will soon be level 10 and have nothing to worry about when it comes to influence  ( still most clients have NO idea what this medal or level info is, They ask me all the time)  You know what I tell them..... I tell the client what the medals and levels mean I also and most importantly tell the client  that  we have all levels of designers here and to not discard a new designer or low level designer  for several reasons

1.  a low level designer doesn't mean the designer is new to designing, just means  the designer is new to our site

2. Even if it is a new designer to deigning sometimes these designers can blow you away with ideas and concepts


And yes you are correct I was reading it was website contests you refer too 


The medal count will remain on  designers usernames


Thank you for your  ideas though and good luck in the contests

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#7 weiesnbach



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Posted 13 October 2016 - 03:45 AM

"...a low level designer doesn't mean the designer is new to designing, just means  the designer is new to our site."

Truer words could not be said.

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#8 sharie



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Posted 13 October 2016 - 03:54 AM

"...a low level designer doesn't mean the designer is new to designing, just means  the designer is new to our site."

Truer words could not be said.

I say this to EVERY client I talk with on the phone and in live chat! 

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#9 gigs_005700


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Posted 17 April 2017 - 11:49 PM

i never think medal count is a bad issue, no offense.

as a newbie i think of it as a challenge and an inspiration on an artist end. To get a medal point would really mean a hard work is paying off. As i've check on several designers' medal count i  see quite large number of entries had been submitted and if you are going to get the ratio you might think the designer gone thru a lot of contest before having those medal counts.


Contest Holder would really seek for the best design that would comply to their requirement or liking and may choose a designer that they expect that could help them with their project. As i have in mind the reason why the one-on-one option is there is because maybe the contest holder has an eye for the designer who he or she believes that can provide what he / she asks for and may based it on medal counts.  it's the contest holder's call. (open for any corrections if i'm wrong)


I believe any designer should not be intimidated nor be afraid by their co-designers who has medal counts whatever the figure is as long as you enjoy designing and it's your passion surely it will pay off, you'll get a merit for a really good job or hard work. sometimes newbies or designers without medal count has the chance of nailing it or luckily they matched what the contest holder needs or wants for his/her requirement.



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