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Only one eliminated

eliminated blind several ratings

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#1 allynien


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Posted 10 July 2019 - 02:24 PM

Hi all! 


I guess this question is better addressed to some of the more experienced designers on this site. 

How do you cope with being the only one eliminated in a contest? Or have you? Do you remember when it happened? 


I recently experienced this after submitting 5, what I considered unique, designs to a blind contest in which there were already 60+ entries. I've been on the losing end before, so I'm not new to the feelings of losing out to any of the great designers on this site. It was a new experience though to be the only one to have all of their designs eliminated within a few hours, especially after seeing the ratings on two of the designs get bounced around from 85-48-68-no rating within 5 minutes. A design may not be up to par, the CH may have changed their mind, it may not address all the checkpoints needed, etc. I know there are a lot of variables when discussing an eliminated design and you should never take the loss or elimination personally but it seems easier said than done in this case. So to all the experienced designers, is it wrong to openly ask the CH what was off with those designs? Or is that considered rude? Should you ignore it to focus on a new contest? or Should you try again in that contest? I'm curious to know if anyone here as similar experiences and how they coped with it! 


Thank you for taking the time to read. 

#2 Babba


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Posted 10 July 2019 - 10:46 PM

It is happening to all designers, all the time. At the begging it really hurts, but later it becomes normal. It happen to me couple of times to be eliminated literary less than a minute after my upload. That still upsets me, spending too much time thinking and making the whole design, just to be reviewed in couple of seconds and thrown in a trash bin. 


On the other hand, it made me work harder regarding my professional improvement, and also a bit smarter with the client, briefs, concepts and time spent on the project. That means, if I gave 1 or 2 designs, and been eliminated, then I usually move on to another contest.


And, yes... I do not ask clients whats wrong with my design. Most of them will not reply to you, and if they do, the answer will be generic. Which is okay, as they do not want to waste time on that, if they are already receiving designs they like more. 


Anyway, my advice is not to take any of elimination personally. 


I hope my reply will help. 


Good luck!  :)

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#3 allynien


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Posted 10 July 2019 - 11:54 PM

Thank you for sharing Babba. Your input was appreciated! It sounds weird to say other's posts regarding negative experiences makes me happy but, in truth, it's the overall sentiment of knowing these occurrences are somewhat systematic and happen to everyone at some point. I'm a bit stubborn with my designs, but reading posts like these is convincing on knowing when to move on. Thanks again! 

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#4 Arief125


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Posted 14 November 2019 - 06:42 PM

Thanks for the Enlightenment I am newbie and greetings know all.

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#5 Rav_K


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Posted 20 September 2023 - 11:35 PM

Hi all! 


I guess this question is better addressed to some of the more experienced designers on this site. 

How do you cope with being the only one eliminated in a contest? Or have you? Do you remember when it happened? 


I recently experienced this after submitting 5, what I considered unique, designs to a blind contest in which there were already 60+ entries. I've been on the losing end before, so I'm not new to the feelings of losing out to any of the great designers on this site. It was a new experience though to be the only one to have all of their designs eliminated within a few hours, especially after seeing the ratings on two of the designs get bounced around from 85-48-68-no rating within 5 minutes. A design may not be up to par, the CH may have changed their mind, it may not address all the checkpoints needed, etc. I know there are a lot of variables when discussing an eliminated design and you should never take the loss or elimination personally but it seems easier said than done in this case. So to all the experienced designers, is it wrong to openly ask the CH what was off with those designs? Or is that considered rude? Should you ignore it to focus on a new contest? or Should you try again in that contest? I'm curious to know if anyone here as similar experiences and how they coped with it! 


Thank you for taking the time to read. 


I had a case when I proposed my version in the form of a concept (I proposed an idea). The idea was to make not just a beautiful geometric combination from the 2 letters C and S in the sign part of the logo, but also to give it a meaning corresponding to the character of the business line of which the logo is the face. In this case it was a Leaf. While I was thinking about how to improve my original concept, hoping that the client would somehow comment on my proposal, several designers picked up my idea and began to create interpretations of the CS-Leaf. Then I was simply at a loss - the client deleted my version. In the end, 3 other designers with a CS-Leaf theme won. From here I came to the conclusion that I need to offer my unique option at the very last moment when time runs out in the contest. Or does anyone have a different opinion? It would be interesting to know. Thanks!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: eliminated, blind, several ratings

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