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Another unfair


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#1 Estefano



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 12:18 PM


Warning! Please read the contest category and the brief. This is not logo contest. https://www.designco...ulove/entry/28/

Hi, Another unfair infringement, since I realize that it is about products, and I made a logo every product has a logo, do not copy an art or plagiarize or modify the art, I will have to abide by your rules thank you

ANOTHER UNFAIR INFRINGEMENT, since I realize that it is of products, do not copy an art or plagiarize or modify the art, I will have to abide by your rules than

#2 Babba


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Posted 23 March 2021 - 11:07 PM

Estfano, you have received only a warning. 

Contest is product design contest. Your entry doesn't look as a product but a logo. https://designcontes...13541f78c99.jpg

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#3 Estefano



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 12:49 PM


#4 Estefano



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 12:53 PM

removed the art, it would be fine, but they gave me a 10 violation

#5 Estefano



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 12:53 PM

removed the art, it would be fine, but they gave me a 10 violation

#6 Estefano



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 12:54 PM


#7 Babba


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 11:53 PM

Estefano, these are standard points for this type of violation and they are warning with a 1 month expiration. So, no need to worry about the points. 

Next time please be more careful when reading contest category and the brief.


Reason for this rule is simple - many designers do not bother to read or check category and the brief, and overload contest with designs out of the category. That make clients disappointed and very often mad, sometimes even asking for a refund. In some sense asking for professional service they feel disrespected.

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#8 Estefano



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Posted 27 March 2021 - 09:53 PM

You are right, I assume my mistake, to think that this product needed a logo, thank you, happy day

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#9 sharie



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Posted 22 April 2021 - 10:55 PM

You are right, I assume my mistake, to think that this product needed a logo, thank you, happy day

Most clients that post a contest for a product already have a logo, they are looking for a product design, that is why it was put in that category.  We do not hand out infractions because we want to.


Babba is very correct  plus clients get mad when they post a contest for  something other than a logo and designer flood the contest with a logo, the client then calls and demands a refund. I then have to go to work and recover the clients  lets say  "happiness" for choosing to run a contest


If a client needs a logo they will ask or run a  contest, even hire  1on1, so many, many options are available for the client to choose a logo, hire a designer


These are minor infractions  but mostly just to kinda wake you up to read what the client wants


Thank you and good luck in the contests   

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#10 Estefano



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Posted 09 November 2021 - 05:53 PM

¡Clipart modificado! https://www.designco...ks/entry/257/; https://br.freepik.c...rom_view=author


THIS IS ABSURD I contact support who reported my design as a copy, it is not the first time, my art is unique and original

This is already too much, how are they going to eliminate my designs, this does not seem like anything

#11 Babba


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Posted 09 November 2021 - 07:29 PM

How can you complaint when you clearly copied it and modified?!


You know what is unfair - is what you did in order to win the contest, while there are other designers illustrating it from the scratch. 

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