Hi there, with recent issues we are having with designs being stolen and uploaded on different platform, is it possible that whenever a contest expires all entries will be hidden for designers. Maybe for guaranteed contest, the moderator can re-open the contest or show to other designers only if its up for voting. For not guaranteed contest it will remain hidden unless the CH will re-open if they decide to extend the contest. This is just one way so we can lessen either the work of the moderators and for designers that their work will not be stolen easily.
Also another feature I liked on a different site and would suggest here is they have option to seal your specific entry if you'll be paying like $.50 per entry. This is one way we can use the extra credits we have that is less than withdrawal limit. This way designer will not keep asking the client to make the contest blind. Instead designer will pay if he/she wanted to make sure that the entry that he/she will be submitting will not be copied.