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Color samples in brief from client

Color RGB Gamut Adobe Illustrator Brief colors clients color color correction

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#1 Rav_K


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Posted 21 September 2023 - 12:06 AM

I tried to find the answer to my question on the site, but some topics are outdated and answers to them may be outdated  too. Therefore, it is probably better to open a topic and get comprehensive answers. The question is:
I have noticed that some clients offer color combinations with HEX-digit RGB codes. I create samples of colors with these codes in Adobe Illustrator and a warning appears in the color palette: Out of Gamut Warning (click to correct). See attached ColorCorrect.jpg.
Can I correct the color or may the client disagree with the new corrected code? Is it possible to report this problem to the client? If he doesn't answer, what should I do?
Thanks for answers!

Attached Files

#2 weiesnbach



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Posted 21 September 2023 - 07:20 AM

Colors in the brief are generally only suggestions, though sometimes may be very specific,  in the meantime, if you are in CMYK mode and it's telling you a color isn't available, switch to RGB. If it can be written in HEX then it can be rendered in RGB. 

You're getting the warning because it's not a "printable" color--it will render perfectly fine on the screen--simply ignore the warning--it's telling you it can't be printed in CMYK,  even when you are in RGB.

If your final  destination is never going to be for print, it's perfectly safe to ignore this. 

Here's a thread on Adobe detailing this. 


#3 Rav_K


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Posted 21 September 2023 - 07:26 PM

Thank you!

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Color, RGB, Gamut, Adobe Illustrator, Brief colors, clients color, color correction

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