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Designing Logo

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#1 21.owl


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Posted 23 November 2010 - 04:46 AM

what do you do when designing a logo?
Make a sketch on paper or directly made on the computer.
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#2 ancitis


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Posted 23 November 2010 - 11:39 AM

If I'm not very familiar with the theme I usually do a little (sometimes it's not that little) research before any concepts made. Look through related images and information to get inspired and find out what really could fit.
Then comes the drawing part.. Many many sketches til I'm satisfied with any of them. And only then I start drawing it on computer. First just one color and when finished then start to test any particular color variations.

#3 aset


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Posted 25 November 2010 - 09:52 PM

If I'm not very familiar with the theme I usually do a little (sometimes it's not that little) research before any concepts made. Look through related images and information to get inspired and find out what really could fit.
Then comes the drawing part.. Many many sketches til I'm satisfied with any of them. And only then I start drawing it on computer. First just one color and when finished then start to test any particular color variations.

This is almost identical to my process ancitis.
Except sometimes I can just picture a concept in my head and go straight to the computer.

I believe it's very important to sketch first.

#4 Sequoia


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Posted 26 November 2010 - 05:46 AM

Hmmm I usually sketch on my mind and go straight to the computer, unless it is an illustration or website.
Logos are something I usually work on directly on the computer, I get pretty much inspired by looking at fonts, then I add the logo I have already thought of and that´s pretty much my process.

For websites and illustrations I just really need to sketch first to save a lot of time.


#5 superlogo


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Posted 27 November 2010 - 02:14 PM

the first is think, think think... then skecth or do reference

or think..think.. get crazy, have an idea but dunno how to execute it :(

#6 badboyblues



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Posted 01 December 2010 - 08:22 AM

I believe it's very important to sketch first.

Always sketch first, I think. Sketching helps keep the creativity flowing, and allows me to think up some organic ideas.



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Posted 01 December 2010 - 10:38 AM

what do you do when designing a logo?
Make a sketch on paper or directly made on the computer.

I always sketch on paper. It's an old habit a like.
And then I streamline all with my pen tablet.
This allows me to impress my sensations, inspiration or other sort of stuff wherever I am: In a bus or drinking a beer with a custumer in a pub or something...

#8 alianmorales


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Posted 03 December 2010 - 02:58 PM

"Don't Force Creativity. Allow it to come to you". Believe it or not, sketches and grids speed up the design process. If you can, make it part of your routine. Sketching can make you a more efficient designer.

Sketches and Grids Speed up the Design Process | Graphic Design Blog

#9 CDS


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Posted 05 December 2010 - 06:02 PM

i like to start with the font selection...that sets the look for the overall design...then if i need or want an icon i can add it...but i strongly feel the most important thing is to design in pure black and white first...many young designers work in color and it doesn't always make the transition to b&w...if it works in b&w you can add any color[s] or effect you need depending on the usage and budget...

#10 Babba


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Posted 06 December 2010 - 02:54 PM

Like Superlogo said - first think, think & think - lot of thinking, exploring client's requirements and type of industry... more thinking, then sketching or playing on comp... very often this playing on comp. with fonts, colors and shapes give a lot of totally different and better ideas beside the first ones I had in my head.
Having inspiration is very important... forcing ideas for me are usually not effective.

#11 osCreative


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Posted 16 September 2011 - 05:54 AM

Always sketch first you have to design in your mind which type of logos you want and what type of business you have these things matter. So Always sketch first on paper after that start on computer.


psCreative - Wordpress Web Design

#12 wooshdesign


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 05:15 AM

Always pen and paper first. There's something about that as a creative process that has just become a habit to get my mind into a zone. Then it's straight into illustrator with a tablet and pen.

#13 chan20


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Posted 28 October 2011 - 02:21 PM

I agree you must use pen and paper

#14 lucy520



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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:16 PM

So Always sketch first on paper after that start on computer.Posted Image

#15 3djoker


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Posted 12 March 2012 - 05:00 PM

I use a bamboo pen/tablet for all my graphics projects, so I start with illustrator and the blob brush (with pressure sensitivity on) and just sketch there. I think I usually use about 5-10 layers during the concept phase. This helps tons because you can turn the layers on and off as needed to reference your ideas. Another plus side to this is that the eraser tool on a computer will never leave behind marks :p yet another positive side to this is that by using layers, you can make subtle changes to your designs and compare then right very easily without having to redraw everything. It can be compared to laying some tracing paper over a design and just changing areas you feel need changed while keeping your original design concept visible.

After that it is just a matter of lowering the opacity of your concept designs and start cranking out the final piece, tracing over your design. it's quick, productive and very solid way to work.

#16 Chan


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 03:58 AM

I don't sketch since I'm not really a traditional artist, So in layman's term I can't draw at all. ehe.
I just imagine and make a picture of the potential design. Then after that, I would either use the Pen tool for more complex design and If I feel a little fancy I'll just use the Brush tool and try to sketch there.
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#17 Dskwrks


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 10:29 AM

nails nails nails nails... think of a building or a frame of a house.. The more nails you have the better/ stronger you structure will be.

The fastest/ best way to get a bucket full of nails is to sketch on paper for the computer can hinder your curve and output while your trying to find that certain effect or font even. Your nails could even be just words jotted down so you can remember the other concepts while finishing another...

Reason I say that is if your like me, a thousand designs/ layouts flash before me while designing the core concept. But if I stray from the core then I always weaken my foundation. So what ever I see while creating the base I jot down as a note. Then when the base is done I make a copy and do revisions { what ever was noted }.

#18 Djof


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 01:08 PM

Designing logo proces:

1. Thinking, thinking, thinking, drinking coffe, thinking...
2. Write many terms conected with that what I am doing (it must be on papir)
3. Make sketch (it is very important to do that on papir)
4. Make preliminar B&W versions (max 3) in my lovely corel
5. When the B&W shape become good it is half job
6. Make color version if need
7. Make 3D model
8. Charge money



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Posted 10 July 2012 - 03:24 PM

for me its a bit different since i cannot draw that good., For me, I usually search some ideas or inspirations and then something will just pop into my mind and ill do the sketching and more sketching. Its a bit hard when you know nothing about the company especially if ch dont provide that much information about their business which is really helpful for designers. :)




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Posted 12 July 2012 - 05:58 PM


i do them all :-)
sketch on paper,, sketch on my grafic board
work on the computer wherever creativity is leading me..
maybe can be different for every designer

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