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help needed about illusrator, please!

graphic help me illustrator question vector

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#1 Renovatio2011


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Posted 12 May 2011 - 02:23 AM

first of all I'd like to help for letting me be in, second, don't know if this is the right place to ask but I need help, how can I modify a vector in illustrator? I'm currently working in a file and I have a vextor which is made by 5 different layers (or 5 different drawings I think) actually I realized just 3 of them are fine for me. How can I remove the rest?

Feel free to move this post if this is not the right place, any suggestion thanks!!!

#2 sharie



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Posted 12 May 2011 - 06:58 AM

Hi there....

Open up the layers panel. Click on "window" in the top menu bar then click on layers, your layers panel will open and then you will see all of the layers you want to remove. Once your layers panel is open click on that layer, if you look at the bottom of the layers panel you will see the garbage can..you can delete by clicking that or you can go up to eidt and click clear if the layer is hi-lighted. that should do it

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#3 Renovatio2011


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Posted 13 May 2011 - 02:35 AM

Thank you very much for your response, it was helpful. But, I'm sorry because I couldn't explain myself, what I wanted to know is how to edit a symbol. I have a symbol made of many parts (little ones that make a whole) and i realized that by double clicking on it you can eliminate or edit some of those little parts. I'm sorry for my english but you are trusted. thanks!

#4 Stripe



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Posted 14 May 2011 - 03:17 PM

Hello Renovatio2011,
You can edit a symbol by clicking on the tiny arrow at the top right corner of your symbol window (with symbol selected) and pressing "break link to symbol". You can now edit the shapes that make up the symbol and turn them back into a symbol by dragging them into the symbol window. You will be asked what kind of symbol you require (movie clip, graphic, etc) but that is only for use in flash.
Hope this helped.

#5 Dskwrks


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Posted 10 July 2012 - 10:44 AM

If I am not mistaken symbols sometimes have a bounding box/ clipping path around it or centered within the symbol itself.
This path should not be deleated for it is part or the markers for positioning that ai uses. With out those your symbol may not align properly.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: graphic, help me, illustrator, question, vector

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