If you’re a living, moving, breathing person, then the chances are very high that you’ve heard of the newest infatuation in the design world, flat design. If you’re unsure, here’s a quick crash course: it’s flat color. This means there are no (or very subtle) gradients and we are no longer making buttons and other parts of user interfaces look three dimensional.
The sudden rush to this type of design honestly makes flat design feel like a fad. Everyone’s talking about it and everyone is doing it. Whether this will stick or if we will be doing something new in 2014 remains to be seen. Whatever the outcome, flat design is in right now. It’s the last push away from what Web 2.0 was and into what the future holds.
If you aren’t using flat design, today we’ve gathered a boat load of free and premium flat user interface kits. Let’s go right ahead and jump in.
you can download them at web design depot dot com
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