Hi Like An Angel!
A couple of things...
I hope you won't take my post as harsh, but I feel with a little modification - you may have yourself a great brand.
First, I would be careful of the overlapping and opacity. I would recommend removing the box around the butterfly and simplifying the shapes creating the butterfly to not be so "full", rather have them separated so that they may look consistent in all possible types of media - especially flat b/w. Right now, you will have issues with the current form. Use the colors that you currently have, but just simplify it. Picture it as a stencil almost.
Second, I like the sans-serif version rather than the script. Rather than kerning out "butterfly" I would kern out "Professional Design Studios" and make butterfly all caps.
Right now, the logo seems to be left heavy, and I would try to balance the logo. Removing the box around the butterfly may help is this attribute. Maybe putting the butterfly centered over your name could help with the balance as well. Or, if you like the icon to the left... just bring the icon down to the height of your name. If you make the kerning suggestions I made, then this will help balance it that way.
u can't imagine how helpful ur comment was
thank u so much..i already made other versions of this design but was not as good as urs:rolleyes:..i worked a little with the butterfly and "since u inspired me" i made this one & i made in centered as u suggested ..for change
well done "cclark"!!! Nice shapes, nice idea "like an angel" this was the right one, I really like the concept and the simplicity of the logo!
once again ... awesome!
thank u so much
a lot of great ppl here helped me with it
thanx all